
PCT 2016
Parallel Computing Technologies

Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Scientific Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies

Arkhangelsk, Russia, March 29-31, 2016.

Edited by

Leonid Sokolinsky *
Ilya Starodubov *

* Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Informatics, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

Most of the papers are in Russian. For such papers we provided titles, abstracts and bibliography in English which are placed on the last pages of the papers.
Proceedings are also published at the conference web site.

Table of Contents

2016-04-04: submitted by Leonid Sokolinsky and Ilya Starodubov, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2016-04-11: published on CEUR-WS.org |valid HTML5|