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2017 for the individual papers
by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes.
This volume is published and copyrighted by its editors.
Convergent 2017
Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies
Selected Papers of the II International Scientific Conference "Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies" (Convergent 2017)
Moscow, Russia, November 24-26, 2017.
Edited by
* Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control"
of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
** Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control"
of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Bunin Yelets State University,
Moscow, Yelets, Russia
*** Ventspils University College, Ventspils, Latvia
II International Scientific Conference "Convergent Cognitive Information Technologies" dedicated to scientific and applied research in the field of cognitive-information technology focused on the use of new critically important scientific and technological areas, such as the Internet of Things, Big Data, Smart Cities, intelligent control systems, robotics, intelligent distributed infrastructure information resources, inforobots of the digital economy, takes place in Russia for the second time. It has generated considerable interest in the scientific and university circles, and was attended by well-known scientists, professors and university professors, scientists, as well as representatives of the IT industry.
Convergent'2017 allows authors to submit their paper either in English or in Russian.
For the papers in Russian the abstracts in English are provided and are placed on the first pages of the papers.
Table of Contents
Session 1: Theoretical questions of computer science, computational mathematics, computer science and cognitive information technologies
Когнитивные технологии онтологии в системах информационной безопасности
(Cognitive technologies of ontology in information security systems)
Alkena Aktayeva,
Rosamgul Niyazova,
Aydin Seraliyeva,
Zhanyl Sarsenbayeva,
Aibek Dautov,
Ulzhan Kussainova,
Salehan Zhartanov
Анализ динамических методов ценообразования телекоммуникационных услуг в условиях ограниченной конкуренции
(Analysis of dynamic pricing methods for telecommunication services in conditions of limited competition)
Sergey Vasilyev,
Hassan Salih Haroun
Mean-field approximation for large-scale queueing systems with a small parameter
Sergey Vasilyev,
Galina Tsareva
Анализ трудностей реализации стохастических численных методов Рунге—Кутты
(Implementation difficulties analysis of stochastic numerical Runge-Kutta methods)
Dmitry Kulyabov,
Migran Gevorkyan,
Anastasiya Demidova,
Anna Korolkova,
Leonid Sevastianov,
Mikhail Kotukov
Численный анализ модели распределения радиоресурсов сети LTE с трафиком Narrow-Bandiot
(Numerical analysis of the model of distribution of LTE network resources with Narrow-Band IOT traffic)
Vyacheslav Begishev,
Egor Machev,
Dmitri Molchanov,
Andrey Samouylov
Использование жидкостной модели при анализе времени распространения файла между пользователями в одноранговой сети
(The application of a fluid-based model for the analysis of the distribution time of a file among users in peer-to-peer network)
Ekaterina Bobrikova,
Yuliya Gaidamaka,
Oksana Romashkova
Использование приближения среднего поля для анализа крупномасштабных транспортных сетей с малым параметром
(Mean-field approximation for large-scale transport networks with a small parameter)
Artem Blinov,
Sergey Vasilyev,
Leonid Sevasyanov
Критерии исследования возникновения автоколебательного режима модуля активного управления трафиком
(The criteria for the study of occurrence of self-oscillation mode of active traffic management module)
Tatiana Velieva,
Ivan Zaryadov,
Anna Korolkova,
Dmitry Kulyabov
Analysis of an approach to increase energy efficiency of a cloud computing system
Anastasia Daraseliya,
Eduard Sopin
К задаче анализа тела человека
(To the problem of analysis of the human body)
Elena Emelyanova,
Luc-Donald Dalie,
Vladimir Petrov,
Ekaterina Popova,
Andrej Savin,
Aleksej Hohlov
Agent-oriented simulation as cognitive-informational technology of comparative analysis of partnership and traditional financial systems
Ildar Zulkarnay
ОЕ-покрытие плоского графа цепями с разрешенными начальными вершинами
(The OE-cover for a plane graph by chains with allowed starting vertices)
Tatiana Makarovskikh,
Egor Savitsky
Сравнительный анализ моделей схем совместного использования ресурсов LSA с прерыванием обслуживания в сети 3GPP LTE
(On comparative analysis of shared access scheme models with service interruption in 3GPP LTE network with LSA framework)
Ekaterina Markova,
Dmitriy Poluektov,
Darya Ostrikova,
Irina Gudkova
Анализ цен на рынке бытовой техники с помощью эконометрических моделей
(Analysis of prices on the market appliances by means of econometric models)
Darya Pyatkina,
Sergey Matyushenko,
Anna Kazandayeva,
Mary Michelle Begre Begre Bi,
Alena Pylaeva
Оптимизационная модель распределения потоков данных P2P-телевидения на гиперграфах
(An optimization model of distribution of P2P-TV data streams on hypergraphs)
Soltan Salpagarov,
Yury Isaev
Развитие анализа многослойных методов решения волнового уравнения со специальными начальными условиями
(Development of analysis of multilayer methods for solving wave equation with special initial conditions)
Alexander Vasilyev,
Mikhail Svintsov,
Dmitry Tarkhov
New methods of multilayer semiempirical models in nonlinear bending of the cantilever
Dmitriy Tarkhov,
Tatyana Kaverzneva,
Valeriy Tereshin,
Temir Vinokhodov,
Daniil Kapitsin,
Ildar Zulkarnay
Modeling of the membrane bending with multilayer semi-empirical models based on experimental data
Mariya Bortkovskaya,
Petr Vasilyev,
Ildar Zulkarnay,
Darya Semenova,
Dmitriy Tarkhov,
Pavel Udalov,
Irina Shishkina
Эффективное применение облачных ресурсов при обучении и использовании глубоких нейронных сетей
(Efficient application of cloud resources for training and using deep neural networks)
Yury Ushakov,
Petr Polezhaev,
Aleksandr Shukhman,
Yuliya Porokhnenko,
Ekaterina Chernova,
Olga Ocheredko
Mathematical modeling of the ethno-social conflicts by Langevin equation
Alexandr Petukhov,
Vladimir Sandalov,
Aleksey Malkhanov,
Yuri Petukhov
Моделирование процессов группового поведения и выбора с помощью стохастического клеточного автомата с памятью с учетом и без учета внешнего воздействия
(Mathematical solutions of software for predicting group behavior in a social system based on stochastic cellular automata with memory)
Alexander Sigov,
Anna Obukhova,
Anton Aleshkin,
Dmitry Zhukov
Методы выявления кластеров ячеек в разреженных кубах данных многомерных информационных систем
(Methods for identifying clusters of cells in sparse data cubes of multidimensional information systems)
Maxim Fomin,
Ivan Smirnov
Session 2: Parallel and distributed programming, grid technologies, programming on GPUs
Session 3: Cognitive information technologies in control systems
Решение задач когнитивного управления группой роботов на многоядерных микропроцессорах «Эльбрус»
(Solving of tasks of cognitive control a robots group in multi-core microprocessors «Elbrus»)
Nikita Bocharov,
Nikolay Paramonov,
Alexander Alexandrov,
Oleg Slavin
Модели и алгоритмы прогнозирования технического состояния космического аппарата на основе информационных технологий
(Models and algorithms for a spacecrafts technical state prediction based on information technologies)
Andrei Volkov,
Valentin Nechaev,
Vladimir Goncharenko,
Igor Lobanov
Синтез астатического регулятора для управления движением квадрокоптера
(Astatic controller synthesis for quadcopter motion control)
Nataliia Zhabko,
Timur Lepikhin
Вопросы визуализации динамики судна
(On some problems of visualization for control object)
Daria Zhirenok,
Timur Lepikhin,
Nataliia Zhabko
H∞-optimal synthesis problem with nonunique solution
Evgeny Veremey,
Yaroslav Knyazkin
Информационные процессы в социальных сетях: перколяция и стохастическая динамика
(Information processes in social networks: percolation and stochastic dynamics)
Tatiana Khvatova,
Anastasia Zaltsman,
Dmitry Zhukov
Developing an intelligent fire detection system on the ships
Galina Malykhina,
Alena Guseva,
Alexey Militsin,
Artem Nevelskii
Конвергентность коллективного принятия решений с применением когнитивного моделирования
(Convergent collective decision-making on the base oof cognitive modelling)
Alexander Raikov
Мультиагентное моделирование в решении когнитивных задач понимания процессов централизации и децентрализации управления
(Multiagent modeling in the decision of cognitive tasks understanding the processes of centralization and decentralization of governance)
Ruslan Ramazanov,
Ildar Zulkarnay
Стабилизация обратного маятника с учетом запаздывания
(Stabilization of the inverted pendulum considering delay)
Ruslan Sevostyanov,
Lilia Shayakhmetova
Алгоритмы робастного оптимального управления системой магнитной левитации
(Robust optimal control algorithms for magnetic levitation plant)
Margarita Sotnikova,
Julia Gilyazova,
Ekaterina Selitskaya
Построение математической модели трикоптера
(Mathematical modelling of tricopter)
Nikolai Tikhonov,
Timur Lepikhin,
Nataliia Zhabko
Оперативное решение краевых и оптимизационных задач баллистического проектирования летательных аппаратов на основе когнитивной графики
(Operational solution of boudary and optivization problems of the ballistic desing of flying apparatuss based on the cognitive graphics)
Valentin Nechaev,
Vladimir Goncharenko
Session 4: Cognitive information technologies in the digital economics
Session 5: Big Data and applications
Session 6: The Internet of Things: standards, communication and information technologies, network applications
Session 7: Digital Transformation of Transport
Session 8: Applied optimization problems
2018-02-23: submitted by Elena Zubareva,
metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2018-02-23: published on CEUR-WS.org
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