
GeoLD 2024
Geospatial Linked Data Workshop 2024

Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Geospatial Linked Data 2024
co-located with 21st Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2024)

Hersonissos, Greece, May 26th, 2024.

Edited by

Timo Homburg *
Beyza Yaman **
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif ***
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo ***

* Mainz University Of Applied Sciences, i3mainz -- Institute for Spatial Information & Surveying Technology, Germany
** Trinity College Dublin, ADAPT Centre, Ireland
*** Paderborn University, DICE group, Germany

Table of Contents


2024-08-13: submitted by Timo Homburg, metadata incl. bibliographic data published under Creative Commons CC0
2024-08-20: published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) |valid HTML5|