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The methodology SeSKA and the tool SOOKAT

SeSKA (Seamless Structured Knowledge Acquisition) [10, 11, 12] enhances integration of development, knowledge and terminology. Development is viewed as iterative modelling. SeSKA is supported by a graphical tool SOOKAT (Structured Object-Oriented Knowledge Acquisition Tool).

Models used in SOOKAT, consisting of object classes, are the following:

The domain model (DM)
describes the structure of a domain, consisting of concepts with attributes and relations.
The dependency graph (DG)
contains inferential dependencies between attributes of domain concepts.
The inference model (IM)
includes the structure of possible inferences, called the inference structure (IS), augmented with informal, semi-formal and formal descriptions of inferences.



It is possible to instantiate a KB consisting of the IM and the DM. Inferences can be performed through message passing within the IS, determining the order of firing abstract rules presented in the IS to be applied to instances.

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Päivikki Parpola

Sat Oct 14 22:52:14 EEST 2000