[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-539

© 2009 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and academic purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners. This volume is published by its editors.

10th International Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community on Semantic Multimedia Database Technologies (SeMuDaTe'09)

Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop of the Multimedia Metadata Community on Semantic Multimedia Database Technologies (SeMuDaTe'09)

in conjunction with the
4th International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT 2009),

Graz, Austria, December 2, 2009.

Edited by

Ralf Klamma1, Harald Kosch2, Matthias Lux3 and Florian Stegmaier2
1 RWTH Aaachen University, Germany
2 University of Passau, Germany
3 University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Table of Contents

  1. Foreword
    Ralf Klamma, Harald Kosch, Matthias Lux, Florian Stegmaier

Full Research Papers

  1. A Bandit's Perspective on Website Adaptation
    Benoit Baccot, Vincent Charvillat and Romulus Grigoras
  2. M3O: The Multimedia Metadata Ontology
    Carsten Saathoff and Ansgar Scherp
  3. Intent Tag Clouds: An Intentional Approach To Visual Text Analysis
    Fleur Jeanquartier, Mark Kr�ll and Markus Strohmaier
  4. Evaluation of Current RDF Database Solutions
    Florian Stegmaier, Udo Gr�bner, Mario D�ller, Harald Kosch and Gero Baese
  5. How to Align Media Metadata Schemas? Design and Implementation of the Media Ontology
    Florian Stegmaier, Werner Bailer, Tobias B�rger, Mario D�ller, Martin H�ffernig, Wonsuk Lee, V�ronique Malais�, Chris Poppe, Raphael Troncy, Harald Kosch and Rik Van de Walle
  6. Formal Metadata Semantics for Interoperability in the Audiovisual Media Production Process
    Martin H�ffernig and Werner Bailer
  7. Automatic Annotation of Web Images combined with Learning of Contextual Knowledge
    Thomas Scholz, Sadet Alcic and Stefan Conrad

Position Research Papers

  1. How MPEG Query Format enables Advanced Multimedia Functionalities
    Anna Carreras, Ruben Tous and Jaime Delgado
  2. Context-aware Mobile Multimedia Services in the Cloud
    Dejan Kovachev and Ralf Klamma
  3. Global vs. Local Feature in Video Summarization: Experimental Results
    Marian Kogler, Manfred del Fabro, Mathias Lux, Klaus Sch�ffmann and Laszlo B�sz�rmenyi
  4. Metadata for Creation and Distribution of Multi-view Video Content
    Werner Bailer and Martin H�ffernig
  5. Multimedia Processing on Multimedia Semantics and Multimedia Context
    Yiwei Cao, Ralf Klamma and Dejan Kovachev

Demonstration Papers

  1. Virtual Campfire - Collaborative Multimedia Semantization with Mobile Social Software
    Dominik Renzel, Ralf Klamma, Yiwei Cao and Dejan Kovachev
  2. Multimedia Ontology Life Cycle Management with the SALERO Semantic Workbench
    Tobias B�rger

20-Nov-2009: submitted by R. Klamma
21-Nov-2009: published on CEUR-WS.org