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SOOKAT and Ontologies
The tool SOOKAT can be described also in terms of ontologies, described
by Nicola Guarino [4]. Models of SOOKAT
are discovered to be different kinds of fine-grained ontologies formed
during the KA process:
A domain ontology
is defined by Guarino to "describe the vocabulary related to a generic
domain". The DM is thus actually a subset of a domain ontology, that is
needed in the KB being constructed.
Application ontologies
are defined to "describe concepts depending both on a particular domain
and task, which are often specializations of both related ontologies".
DGs consist of task-dependent inferential dependencies between domain concept
attributes, that have been defined in the domain ontology. Although the
task ontology has not necessarily been formed, the DG seems to fulfil the
requirements for an application ontology.
A task ontology
is defined to "describe a generic task or activity". The IS describes the
task of the KB. It is formed using a bottom-up strategy from the DG, i.e.
the application ontology. The reason for this order, which reverses the
one presented by Guarino, is that details of the task are defined only
during the KA process.
In general, shared and stabilized domain knowledge forms the domain ontology,
whereas individual know-how forms the application ontology.
In collecting value suggestions from different knowledge sources for
attributes of subclasses of abstract DM concepts, the attributes can be
considered predicate symbols, and the values suggested considered constant
symbols of the vocabulary, together forming intentional interpretations.
Modelling and inference can in SOOKAT use a shared task ontology.

terminology using statistical Previous:Using
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Päivikki Parpola
Sat Oct 14 22:52:14 EEST 2000