Tree Structure AnalysisUp:Constructing
a Domain Model Previous:The
Syntagmatic Approach
The Paradigmatic Approach
The purpose of paradigmatic analysis is to find the most similar terms
in the corpus. The similarity of every two terms is calculated by comparing
the frequencies of terms next to them on their left and right sides. Similarities
are scaled between -1 and 1, where 1 means identical occurences and -1
completely different occurences.
Each term i is in the analysis represented by a vector ,
the elements of which have been obtained from a vector containing frequences
of terms next to i, through applying to each of its elements the formula
(1) used in the syntagmatic analysis.
The vector is then divided with its own length, so that the length of the
resulting vector becomes 1.
The similarity index of two such vectors
and is the dot product of the two
Calculation of this formula requires optimization, which will not be described
in this paper.
Terms with high similarity (represented by the arbitrary symbols
and ) are distributed very similarly and
their syntactic properties resemble each other very much. In a grammar,
this could be presented by rules which produce these terms from the same
arbitrary nonterminal symbol (e.g.
and ).

Tree Structure AnalysisUp:Constructing
a Domain Model Previous:The
Syntagmatic Approach
Päivikki Parpola
Sat Oct 14 22:52:14 EEST 2000