Personalization in Mobile and Pervasive Computing   

June 22nd, 2009

A Workshop co-located with UMAP-09, June 22-26, Treno, Italy


The objective of the workshop was to bring active researchers and practitioners together and to facilitate discussions on current research results and issues and emerging research topics in supporting personalization in mobile and pervasive computing. The workshop aims to answer the following focused questions by stimulating and involving as many active researchers in this field as possible:

-         What are the unique issues, difficulties, and potential solutions for personalization in mobile and pervasive computing?

-         What are the roles of domain knowledge and ontology for the personalization and efficient and effective ways of employing them?

-         Assuming our surroundings will be filled with smart objects, how does a system address the added complexity of personalization and what are the possible solutions?

Topics of Interest

Personalization for mobile and pervasive computing faces many challenges in areas of user modeling, adaptation and prediction. The topics of interest include but not limited to the following topics:  

-         Mobile and pervasive intelligent personal assistants

-         User preference mining in a mobile and pervasive context

-         User intention prediction

-         Situation-awareness

-         Domain knowledge and ontology for mobile user modeling and personalization

-         Personalized mobile learning

-         Adaptivity through indoor/outdoor location awareness

-         Data acquisition and process

-         Personalized division of computation between the phone and cloud

-         Personalized power preservation

-         Mobile and pervasive group personalization

-         User studies and experiences

-         Social issues such as privacy


9:00-9:10: Welcome (Doreen Cheng)


9:10-10:30: Mobile personalization for individuals (Alfred Kobsa)

         Ma$$ive ─ An Intelligent Shopping Assistant

Andreas Forsblom, Petteri Nurmi, Patrik Floreen, Peter Peltonen, Petri


          Ad As You Go: A Study of Ad Placement on Personal Navigation Devices

Justin Tang, Nate Gertsch, Hye Jung Choi, Alfred Kobsa, Shidan Habibi

          Actionable User Intentions for Real-Time Mobile Assistant Applications

Thimios Panagos, Shoshana Loeb, Ben Falchuk

          Situation-aware User Interest Mining on Mobile Handheld Devices

Doreen Cheng, Henry Song, Swarooop Kalasapur, Sangoh Jeong


10:30-11:00: Coffee break


11:00-11:40: Mobile personalization for groups (Kurt Partridge)

          Group Situational Awareness: Being Together

Eyal Dim and Tsvi Kuflik

          Providing Context-Sensitive Information to Groups
Berardina De Carolis and Sebastiano Pizzutilo


11:40-12:40: Semantic foundations for personalization in mobile and pervasive computing (Kurt Partridge)

          Explicit vs. Implicit Tagging for User Modeling

Enrique Frias-Martinez, Manuel Cebrian, J. Moises Pascual, Nuria Oliver

          Concept Maps for Personalized Interest Management

Swaroop Kalasapur, Henry Song, Doreen Cheng

          Efficient Reachability Management with a Semantic User Profile Framework

Johann Stan, Elod Egyed-Zsigmond, Pierre Maret, Johann Daigremont


12:40-14:30: lunch


14:30-19:00: Joint Panel discussions


Antonio Krüger, University of MŸnster, Germany

Barry Smyth, University College Dublin and ChangingWorlds, Dublin, Ireland

Dominikus Heckmann, German Artificial Intelligence Center, SaarbrŸcken, Germany

Ricci Francesco, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Shoshana Loeb, Telcordia, USA


14:30-15:30: Opening and panelists' presentations (Alfred Kobsa)

15:30-16:30: Panel discussions

16:30-17:00: Coffee break

17:00-18:30: Panel discussion continues (Tsvi Kuflik)

18:30-19:00: Wrap up (Doreen Cheng and Tsvi Kuflik)



Organizing Committee (Replace ' ## ' by '@')

Doreen Cheng, Computer Science Lab, Samsung R&D Center, San Jose, CA, USA,   doreen.c ##

Kinshuk, School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca University, Athabasca, Canada, kinshuk ##

Alfred Kobsa, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, University of California, Irvine, USA, kobsa ##

Kurt Partridge, Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, USA, kurt ##

Zhiwen Yu, Academic Center for Media Stidies, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, yu ##


Program Committee

Andreas Zimmermann, Fraunhofer FIT, St. Augustin, Germany 

Antonio KrŸger, University of MŸnster, Germany

Barry Smyth, University College Dublin and ChangingWorlds, Dublin, Ireland

Dominik Heckmann, German Artificial Intelligence Center, SaarbrŸcken, Germany

Francesco Ricci, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy

Hiroaki Ogata, Tokushima University, Japan 

Keith Cheverst, Lancaster University, England

Max van Kleek, MIT CSAIL, Boston, MA, USA.

Miguel Nussbaum, Catholic University of Chile, Chile

Stephen J.H. Yang, National Central University, Taiwan